fredag 25 oktober 2019

Metadatacheck Gustav II Adolf K-samsök

see Comments Magnus below
Gustav II Adolf 

Below some comments from me Magnus and I feel I see too many strings i.e. this is no good metadata and has to be redone. Things you lose not having Linked data

  1. Easy translation
  2. Easy way of explaining e.g. birth location Stockholms slott as you cant easy tell this is same as Wikidata Q750444 
    1. you get no relation to Wikipedia articles in > 30 languages link
  3. People doing research will have a problem finding objects with just strings.

    See  workshop in Uppsala were  I was sitting with domain experts and identified all locations in the text with same as example 
    1. string Tegian
      same as
      1. which means we can understand it is same as
      2. Q645234 same as 
      3. alvin-place:5645
  4. By having strings for locations you cant generate maps easy. Compare the result of how a book page annotated with locations can be displayed on a map

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:itemLicense rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:itemLicenseUrl rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:dataQuality rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:itemSuperType rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:itemType rdf:resource=""/>
    <ns0:itemLabel>Gustav II Adolf av Sverige</ns0:itemLabel>
Comment 1 Magnus: No language tag as we speak about museums I think we should have systems we should support the most spoken languages in Sweden like Arabic, Somalia... etc... and maybe also for tourists chinese....

    <foaf:fullName>Gustav II Adolf av Sverige</foaf:fullName>
Comment 2 Magnus: kung is string not things compare Wikidata Q12097
By using strings we lose

1) Possibility to translate in an easy way e.g. Wikidata has King in xxx number languages like thai พระราชา, chinese  , japanese 王, somali language Boqortooyo

2) Not having things and same as  WD you will have no easy way of explaing the word compare using THINGS same as Wikidata and link you have articles in 95 languages  Q12097#sitelinks-wikipedia 

3) If other tools should do a search they have to understand that you have used Word "kung" in this field instead of saying give me all objects with title same as Q12097
<foaf:title>kung</foaf:title> <foaf:name>Gustaf II Adolf</foaf:name> <foaf:name>Gustavus Adolphus Magnus</foaf:name> <foaf:name>Lejonet från Norden - der Löwe aus der Mitternacht</foaf:name> <foaf:name>GIIA</foaf:name> <foaf:name>Gustavus Adolphus</foaf:name> <foaf:gender>M</foaf:gender>
Comment 3 Magnus: M is also string not things
<ns0:nameId>9534</ns0:nameId> <ns0:nameAuth>LSH</ns0:nameAuth> <ns0:isDescribedBy rdf:resource=""/>
Comment 4 Magnus: Minor comment would like to see Wikidata Q number used as is more stable. Articles in Wikipedia gets new names....
<ns1:parent rdf:resource=""/> <ns1:parent rdf:resource=""/> <ns1:child rdf:resource=""/> <ns1:child rdf:resource=""/> <ns2:was_present_at rdf:resource=""/> <ns2:was_present_at rdf:resource=""/> <ns2:was_present_at rdf:resource=""/> <ns2:was_present_at rdf:resource=""/> <ns0:context> <ns0:Context> <ns0:contextSuperType rdf:resource=""/> <ns0:contextType rdf:resource=""/> <ns0:fromTime>1594</ns0:fromTime>
Comment 5 Magnus: Having dates with no calendar is fragile.... we get a lots of errors see how we are comparing Wikidata with Nobel prize people see User:Salgo60/ListeriaNobelData3.... all russian people are normally born using Gregorian calendar date i.e. we get different data

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Nobel prize 296 born 1849-09-14 (xsd:date)
* Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Wikidata Q42985#P569 14 september 1849 Gregorian calendar
compare English Wikipedia they explain it in text  26 September [O.S. 14 September] 1849 – 27 February 1936) 
<ns0:placeName>Stockholms slott</ns0:placeName>
Comment 6 Magnus: Stockholms slott is string not things

compare Wikidata graph about Stockholms slott Things
Comment 7 Magnus: Same string problem should be same an object and e.g. same as Q34
</ns0:Context> </ns0:context> <ns0:context> <ns0:Context> <ns0:contextSuperType rdf:resource=""/> <ns0:contextType rdf:resource=""/> <ns0:toTime>1632</ns0:toTime> </ns0:Context> </ns0:context> <ns0:itemName> <ns0:ItemName> <ns0:type>Namn</ns0:type> <ns0:name>Gustav II Adolf av Sverige</ns0:name> </ns0:ItemName> </ns0:itemName>
Comment 8 Magnus: Feels you repeat foaf:name
<ns0:presentation rdf:parseType="Literal"> <pres:item xmlns:pres=""> <pres:version>1.1</pres:version> <pres:id>9534</pres:id> <pres:entityUri></pres:entityUri> <pres:itemLabel>Gustav II Adolf av Sverige</pres:itemLabel>
Comment 9 Magnus: Name is repeated again... feels odd
="RDF"></pres:representation> <pres:representation ="HTML"></pres:representation> <pres:representation ="XML"></pres:representation></pres:representations> <pres:organization>LSH</pres:organization> <pres:organizationShort>LSH</pres:organizationShort>
Comment 10 Magnus: pres:organization has LSH as string no thing. I would prefer an object
agents</pres:service> <pres:dataQuality>Rådata</pres:dataQuality> <pres:buildDate>2019-03-12</pres:buildDate></pres:item></ns0:presentation> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>

Comment 11 Magnus: We have no relations in the file to children/ father / mother
Comment 12 Magnus: no sources for facts see my loge thoughts on that 
Comment 13 Magnus: no Authority data as VIAF, GND, LIRIS

compare sv:Wikipedia 
WorldCat • VIAF10637323 • LCCNn80056899 • ISNI0000 0001 1021 0464 • GND118543733 
• LIBRISwt79b47f42nbg14 • SUDOC02769397X • BNFcb11968139b (data) 
• BIBSYS90545687 • NLA35927709 • NDL00852585 
• NKCjn20011211166 • SBL13316
The idea with Authority data is to identify people if I find some facts a another place and it says this person is VIAF 10637323 then I know that this person is same as

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