- Task T210062 Add Bygdeband to Wikidata as a Property and match "Församlingar"
Status DONE
A new property is added so I have done a small test before we make a bigger upload see below.... see also GITHUB salgo60.github.io/Svenskaforsamlingar
Swedish Parish
- lista med länkar
- karta med församlingar utan Bygdebandskoppling, lista
All connected Wikidata objects with Wikidata <-> Bygdeband
Family Search pattern
In Family search Wiki we have set up that they have pages about Swedish Church Parishes![]() |
Change done in a test Wiki Template at Family search adding P6192 -> Bygdeband |
- In a Template we Add the Swedish National Archives NAD number that is in 99% of the cases unique
- By using the HUB tool we use this unique NAD number to
- Find the Wikidata object that is related to the NAD number
- By adding that we would like P6192 Bygdeband then the user will be redirected to the Bygdeband site
see test page at Family Search User:Salgo60/Test_Nad_Template
- We add NAD number to the template ex. SE/VaLA/03580 ==>
- Link National Archives
==> https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/P5324:SE/VaLA/03580?property=P5324
- SCB maps
==> https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/P5324:SE/VaLA/03580?property=P778
- Swedish Wikipedia
==> https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/P5324:SE/VaLA/03580?lang=sv
- Open Street map
==> https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/P5324:SE/VaLA/03580?property=P625
- NEW Bygdeband
==> https://tools.wmflabs.org/hub/P5324:SE/VaLA/03580?property=P6192
Today the Family Search template Infobox_Swedish_Parishes is used on +2800 pages
Next step Family Search
- All those pages need a NAD number I guess +1000 has that today
- Change the Infobox_Swedish_Parishes template to also support P6192
- Connect Bygdeband with Swedish Church parishes in Wikidata
Bygdeband P6192
- In bygdeband a location has an unique number ==> that is the number we add to Wikidata ==>
- Bygdeband page Lilla Malma församling = 371664 ==>
OBS to get links to work we need a restart of the HUB app see GITHUB reported issue
- Link National Archives
- SCB maps
- Swedish Wikipedia
- Open Street map = Property 625
Example list with these URLs
- Today we have locations ==> Lilla Malma församling is argument 371664
- if we change the property to be more general then we could use
- Location plats/371664
- Person person/983487
- pictures ???
- Bygdeband is redesigning its web. We need to get some feedback
- how will the structure be?
- API support, SPARQL endpoint (compare Wikidata)
- Should we add same as Wikidata(sv:Wikipedia)
- Should everyone be able to add locations or how is the process
- Any process for manage changes e.g. Wikidata is designed to be easy machine readable see
- video export datasets swedish "export till JSON och se kod i olika programspråk"
- If Wikipedia should link Bygdeband I think we need a model to find "församlingar" with content?!?!
Next step get some feedback from Bygdeband.se
- Task T210062 Add Bygdeband to Wikidata as a Property
- Project Space at Wikidata Phabricator wmse-riksarkivet-tora
- tag #wmseriksarkivettora
- Fiddler koppling Svenska församlingar länk
- visar hur Javascript kan skicka en SPARQL fråga till WIkidata
- visar hur Javascript kan söka i Wikipedia
- exempel på hur en integration med Arkiv Digital kan se ut se T204229
Hur Wikidata fungerar bakom kulisserna länk -> javascript API för SPARQL/sökning
Hur vi kopplar ihop Svenska församlingar med Bygdeband, Riksarkivet SVAR, Svenska Wikipedia
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