1) below the picture that is wrongly connected to Europeana Entity agent/base/60886
that is same as Wikidata Q187310 correct person is Q5937128 see also the following blogpost about the consequences.The file I guess is sent to Europeana is http://kulturarvsdata.se/S-XLM/photo/XLMCL014128-3
- Europeana record record/916124/S_XLM_photo_XLMCL014128_3
- Harvest record in Digitalmuseum lasarettet-barnavdelning...24-mars-1949
==> I think we can see that the record is connected to http://data.europeana.eu/agent/base/60886 ==> Wikidata search ==> Wikidata Q187310
done by the Europeana proxy and that the data sent to Europeana seems to lack information about the same as

- dc:creator = Larsson, Carl
- same as is missing
- Wikidata P1248 kulturnav = 48fd203b-2b93-4b0e-89a4-64e0a4509ce0
- Wikidata Q5937128
- Wikidata P7704 Europeana Entity - I can see the following challenges
- missing an entity in Europeana for this person but a Wikidata item exist......
- lesson learned when working with this Swedish museum link
- Most people from this museum are "local people"
- most of them has no Authority in kulturnav
- Most of the people are not in Wikidata as it is local people
- As Europeana started using a subset of dbpedia that is a subset of Wikidata then many people has no agent in Europeana
- See task T243907 tracking how new entities can be created in Europeana
The source Digitalmuseum
- Photographer =
- type: null,
- role: "Fotograf",
- name: "Larsson, Carl",
- uuid: "0B628C53-4BEB-4911-B4AC-F235168E706E
My Magnus Sälgö unskilled guess is that this picture IS NOT connected to Carl Larsson = Wikidata Q5937128 ==> we get problems in Europeana
The JSON in Kulturarvsdata S-XLM/photo/XLMCL014128-3
The JSON in Kulturarvsdata S-XLM/photo/XLMCL014128-3
2) Another "better" example
If we look on another example of the photographer Carl Larsson
- Digitalmuseum
- we identify
- Carl Larsson role: "Fotograf"
- a company "Carl Larssons Fotografiska Ateljé AB"
- uuid: E32BC64B-AA2C-452B-AC9A-CFF59EC92535
- in Wikidata we now have Q87223734 for "Carl Larssons Fotografiska Ateljé AB" what is needed to connect them?

- Europeana record/916124/S_XLM_photo_XLMCLP007303
3) Another example from Malmö Konstmuseum Karin at the shore
Picture /record/2063602/SWE_280_011.json
This JSON has two Agent entities:
Conclusion: The Swedish aggregator K-Samök doesnt send good enough data to Europeana to make good decisions
Question: What is missing?
See also:
- Developing a metadata standard for digital culture: the story of the Europeana Publishing Framework
- Github Europeana QA Spark
- article from April 30, 2015 "We want better data quality: NOW!"
- looks like the Europeana network cant deliver better data 5 years later 2020
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