söndag 19 juli 2020

Europeana QA problem

" THEY KNOW that there is a linkrot problem and that your consistent...."
The problem I feel/guess is that
1) everyone thinks Europeana can be a good member in the Wikidata community
2) Even if they know I guess we have "Yesterdays weather" i.e. what we have seen since 2012 will continue to 2028 and we get the same "weather as we have seen so far" i.e. the Europeana organisation/ network has problem delivering quality
==> even if "Europeana" know that en:Wikipedia is not linking them because of bad quality, Europeana dont know how to fix it... and even if Europeana gets informed of a problem thet dont fix it --> its no idea to error report them.... last desperate Europeana try is telling people AI will fix it --> we will see them identify cats and dogs in pictures 😉 and I guess they will have the same problems Wikicommons see using ML and get odd suggestions on metadata tags ....
I tried to start a discussions like as said earlier but I feel most people working with GLAM has no IT design background --> its difficult to move forward....
In Sweden we have since 2012 had 
Digisam - En samverkan kring digitalisering av kulturarvet
 and and they have produced one paper about persistent Identifiers and some workshops but when I look at solution in Sweden its like Wikidata 2012..... --> no one gets happy of what Europeana and Digisam does...
As we now have
1) 160 000 "same as" WD <-> Europeana
2) We have Wikidata that is a rather healthy platform still growing
3) We have users who care and say the Europeana quality is not Ok for our community
4) We see other communities handling scientific papers were they easily creating citation Graphs and use Digital Object Identifiers --> we can idientify one object in more places as the ”same"
Hoping that Europeana people and museum people fix this by themself I think is out of scope....
I can see a number of actions that Europeana needs to do:
1) start open up error reporting so we can see what errors other people have reported and museums can start error report and start speaking with each other.... linked data needs linked people...
2) start using DOI so one picture in Europeana easily can be identified as the same picture in Wikicommons and we can do data round tripping
3) in the user interface have more "same as" not as the latest design just have a text string.... use same as Wikipedia much more... if we find errors we fix it in Wikipedia/Europeana
And I guess there are a lot of possibilities.... we in WIkidata has a very good echosystem for adding new public identifiers --> if we start saying same as for the local museums identifier and WIkidata then the step saying same as Europeana agent id is much much easier....
The MET people feels understanding the potential of Wikidata for GLAM why cant Europeana move in that direction instead of the suggested "anonymous webdesign" ....
How MET try to use Wikidata
I feel no one gains on hiding the problems.... we have tried that in Sweden saying that museums dont need to understand Linked data and now we have 2020 > 1000 SILOS

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