- Timeline test SPARQL Leonardo da Vinci
- same but swedish Strindberg Timeline
- Histropedia showcase
- Works located at the Louvre museum, Paris color coded by genre
- Oil paintings per room
SPARQL used for Leonardo da Vinci
VALUES ?person {wd:Q762}
{?person wdt:P570 ?death .
?person ?prop ?t FILTER (datatype(?t)=xsd:dateTime) FILTER (?t <= ?death) .
?value wikibase:directClaim ?prop. }
?person ?q ?statement FILTER regex (STR(?q),"prop/P") . #exclude P:describedBy
?person wdt:P570 ?death .
?statement ?p ?t FILTER regex (STR(?p), "prop/qualifier/P") FILTER (datatype(?t)=xsd:dateTime) FILTER (?t <= ?death).
?statement ?r ?value FILTER regex (STR(?r),"prop/statement/") .
BIND(IRI(CONCAT(CONCAT(SUBSTR(STR(?r),1,29),"direct/"),SUBSTR(STR(?r),40))) as ?rprop)
?rr wikibase:directClaim ?rprop .
OPTIONAL {?value wdt:P18 ?image}
UNION { # author of / creator of
?value wdt:P50|wdt:P98|wdt:P655|wdt:P1773|wdt:P170|wdt:P178|wdt:P57|wdt:P161 ?person .
?person wdt:P570 ?death .
?person wdt:P569 ?birth .
?value wdt:P571|wdt:P577|wdt:P580 ?t .
FILTER ((?t <= ?death) &&(?t >= ?birth))
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?value wdt:P136 wd:Q7553 .}
#FILTER NOT EXISTS {?value wdt:P629 ?x }
#FILTER NOT EXISTS {?person wdt:P800 ?value } .
OPTIONAL {?value wdt:P1433 ?rr .}
OPTIONAL {?value wdt:P18 ?image .}
# UNION #Notable Works
# {
# ?person wdt:P800 ?rr ;
# wdt:P570 ?death ;
# wdt:P569 ?birth .
# ?rr wdt:P577|wdt:P571|wdt:P1191 ?t FILTER ((?t <= ?death)&&(?t >= ?birth)).
# OPTIONAL {?rr wdt:P18 ?image .}
# }
UNION #discoverer or inventor
?rr wdt:P61|wdt:P138 ?person .
?person wdt:P570 ?death ;
wdt:P569 ?birth .
?rr wdt:P575|wdt:P571|wdt:P585 ?t FILTER ((?t <= ?death)&&(?t >= ?birth)).
OPTIONAL {?rr wdt:P18 ?image .}
UNION #architect
?rr wdt:P84 ?person .
?person wdt:P570 ?death ;
wdt:P569 ?birth .
?rr wdt:P571|wdt:P1619 ?t FILTER ((?t <= ?death)&&(?t >= ?birth)).
OPTIONAL {?rr wdt:P18 ?image .}
UNION #composer
?rr wdt:P86|wdt:P138 ?person .
?person wdt:P570 ?death ;
wdt:P569 ?birth .
?rr wdt:P571|wdt:P1191|wdt:P577 ?t
FILTER ((?t <= ?death)&&(?t >= ?birth)).
OPTIONAL {?rr wdt:P18 ?image .}
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