söndag 16 februari 2014

Who is who in picture IV ?

Goal: To identify some of the people in the picture IV below with the letters see also FB discussion

Picture IV

Picture I
 Lovisa Mathilda 1864-jan-10 - 1937-oct-24
B Karl August Johansson 1865-apr-10 - 1948-feb-9
Karl Fride Israel 1895-dec-23 - 1961-oct-10

Picture could be taken approx 1905 at E Johansson Sala Sätra Brunn

Picture II
Could be the son of B and CKarl Fride Israel 1895-dec-23 - 1961-oct-10 in the military? 
Picture V
 Karl Fride Israel 1895-dec-23 - 1961-oct-10 in the military? 

Picture III 
Is this person
 Lovisa Mathilda 1864-jan-10 - 1937-oct-24
B Karl August Johansson 1865-apr-10 - 1948-feb-9
A and G

The Story of this unknown photo
 "Kortet fick jag av min syssling i Sala, från ett album de har. det är hans fru jag har kontakt med och hon har mailat en massa bilder, men de flesta har jag ingen aning om vilka de är. Därifrån även de bilder som sitter i mitt träd på Ancestry." 

Picture IV 
From Carl-Eric Sälgö who got it from his father and is a picture of Carl-Erics Grand father and mother

The theories of Picture IV

A) The picture III is from the family tree that is on "Lovisa Mathilda"(B) side ==> we assume that this is a family portrait with people related to Lovisa Mathilda 1864 - 1937  and her father Carl Theodor Carlsson 1835 Hubbo - 1900 Kila (see picture below)

B) The person A looks like he is sitting next to Lovisa Mathilda B and has a close relation to her

C) It must be about 50 years age difference between Lovisa B and the young girl E. I feel we see maybe 4 generations

gen 1 = E assume <8 years old ==> born 1910-1920
gen 2 = D F assume 30 years old ==> born 1900-1910 get the first daughter at 20-25
gen 3 = A G? assume 55 years old  ==> born 1880-1890
gen 4 = B C G H assume 65 years old ==> the picture is taken 1920-1930

From Left in Picture I:
A) Man that is also on the picture II below
  • It is not the child of Lovisa B and Karl August as they have only Karl Fride and I recognise his face
  • As Lovisa only has Alrik as a younger brother it cant be him (we have identified picture of him)

B) Is Lovisa Mathilda Carlsson 1864 - 1937 see Ancestry C) Is Lovisas husband Karl August Johansson 1865 - 1949 see Ancestry

D could be As wife and the person on the picture below
D could be the child of A and G

E is the child of D and maybe A or F
F could be the father of E and the husband of D
G could be the wife of A?
H Is? Looks like he has the same age as Karl August, Say born 1860?!?! Father of A?

Click for larger picture
Full size descendant chart

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