Wednesday 5 feb recording on YouTube
Content (swedish)
24:00 False matching
35:00 Discussion about the match I and Bengt-Ola Morgny has see at 35:00 minuter
Discussion about longest block 33.65cM where Rolf thinks Magnus and Bengt-Ola as about 150 years from each other i.e. 3-4 generations
We tried to see if we could triangulate but I have no one at the same location i.e. Chromosom 1 and start 230488906 end at 247093448 see videon at 38 minuts
- Check at 23andme to see if there are more people with hits at this location
- Try to find 3 people who has hits in the same block i.e. chromosom 1
- Using Gedmatch to get more hits
- Autosomala DNA segment Analyzer
- Help on Swedish
- DNA Explained about the Autosomal DNA segment analyzer
- Discussion group on Yahoo
- Triangulation for Autosomal DNA
- Gröna stubben is writing about DNA GedCom
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