torsdag 12 december 2013

Using Iphone to scan pictures or something else

Goal Easy scan pictures etc. using the phone and maybe the Shoebox Iphone app to get them direct into the tree with the correct people and date and location AND
easy document ==>
  1. Write down
    1. Source 
    2. People in the photo 
    3. When taken
    4. Place
    5. The Event when it was taken
    6. Who owned the photo
      See book Conquering The Paper Monster Once and For All for some advices
  2. Take a picture of the backside of the photo if it contains any information or maybe the whole album if the photos are unidentified
  3. Store the information of the picture in Flickr and/or use Ancestry. Also look into using ITPC (Information Interchange Model)
    1. Article ITPC Metadata
    2. Article ITPC in Adobe Photoelements

      Also see test using ITPC
    3. Article Spara information i bilder they recommends XnView
  4. Restore the pictures "Restaurera bilder" 
    1. see article Restaurera dina gamla släktbilder see also a course by Anders Jensen Restaurering i Elements
    2. WikiHow How to restore old pictures
    3. Below a video using content aware fill
    4. Learn how to correct scanning errors se 

  1. Get a good enough quality of the picture and maybe alos restore parts of the picturesand also get a good way to gather the information in the picture or in the album

Next step

  1. Evaluate the scanner Flip Pal Mobile see
    First evaluation see

  2. Fix some Acryle plate to do my own Sketch kit A-Sketch-kit-in-time-saves-photos and by some pens

What has been done


An application from Ancestry see http://shoebox.ancestry.comA test of Ancestry Shoebox Application and comparing with a camera

Youtube video below from  Ancestry about Shoebox the Iphone app with the following hints
  • Good lightening
  • Use a dark surface
  • Use a cookie sheet or magnets to hold down curling photos
  • Zoom in

IPhone Solutions to get it stable/better lights



Review of Scanbox

Flip Pal Mobile Scanner from

The sketch kit to mark persons i the picture

I have order it through as bying from the states was insane expanse see FB and answer Flip-Pal

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