tisdag 10 december 2013


Goal To learn more about Franz Josef Lindner 

Birth 22-Dec-1846 in Prószków, Opolskie, Poland
Death 05-Nov-1918 in Avesta, Dalarna, Sweden

see also wikitree and  story.sharing.ancestry.com


2014 jun I did a trip to Poland and Proszkow 2014 jun see trip report(in Swedish) and Minancestry page
2014 jun received the book Polish Roots by Rosemary A Chorzempa
2014 jun ordered churchbooks records see blogpost (first order arrived 20140801)
20140817 checked the birth book for Proszkow and think I have found Joseph born 22 dec 1846 see blogpost

The name Lindner in Poland today 2014

People with the name Lindner in Poland 1175 people 2014 http://www.moikrewni.pl/mapa/kompletny/lindner.html
most in the Wroclaw area see above

Lindner names in Sweden 264 people 

Frans Josef 

Evidence regarding Franze Josef 

1875 august 22 Married record  

From the book where he married Sofia Fridström written in Latin and translated by Lars Hallberg author of the book Främlingar i förskingringen: katolska levnadsöden i arkivcens spegel

Translation "däremot fick paret ofta lova att eventuella barn skulle uppfostras katolskt. Så skedde också i detta fall, och åtminstone den äldste sonen döptes katolskt. I vigselboken står det att lagligt äktenskap ingicks den 22 augusti 1875, enligt katolsk ordning inför prästen Hupe i Molnebo, efter att lysning skett tre gånger utan hinder enligt lagens bestämmelser och efter löfte om att uppfostra barnen i den katolska religionen, mellan Joseph Lindner, född den 22 dec 1846 i Ploskau, för närvarande bosatt i Molnebo, snickare eller timmerman, som ena part och Sophia Olivia Fridström, ickekatolik, från samma ställe, som andra part, i närvaro av många vittnen. Och så är vigselnotisen undertecknad av A(nton) Bernhard, kyrkoherde. Vigselprästen Hupe var alltså kaplan och Anton Bernhard kyrkoherde i Stockholms katolska församling. Vänliga hälsningar Lars Hallberg 010-476 71 63 22 " 

"A mariage has been done 22 august 1875, following catholic traditions with the priest in Molnebo, after that ?lysning? has been done 3 times without any problems and after promise to raise the children with the catholic traditions between Joseph Lindner, born 22 dec 1846 in Ploskau, now living in Molnebo, carpenter and Sophia Olivia Fridström non-Catholic, from the same place in the attendance of many witness. This was signed by Anton Bernhard, vicar.....

Birthbook Pruszkow see blogpost


20140602 Got a contact with Silesian Genealogical Society and Grzegorzem Mendyką (+48) 502 840 055 and he is willing to help me on thursday 12 june 16-18 where I can (maybe?) access micro 

Silesian Genealogical Society 
Street. Legnicka 65 
54-206 Wroclaw 
Google Map
Answer from 
Grzegorzem Churchbooks on Microfilm 

Title Kirchenbuch, 1757-1958
Authors Katholische Kirche Proskau (Kr. Oppeln) (Main Author)

Mikrofilme aufgenommen von Manuskripten im Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie und im Archiwum Diecezjalne w Opolu. Catholic parish register of baptisms, marriages and deaths in Proskau, Schlesien, Germany, now Prószków (Opole), Opole, Poland. Includes historical and business records.

Germany, Preußen, Schlesien, Proskau - Church records
            Poland, Opole, Prószków (Opole) - Church records

Manuscript (On Film)
Language German
Publication Salt Lake City, Utah : Gefilmt durch The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973-2007
Physical auf 12 Mikrofilmrollen ; 35 mm.
Film Notes Note - Location [Film]
Taufen 1815-1847 -  FHL INTL Film [ 948566 ]
Taufen 1847-1870 -  FHL INTL Film [ 948567 ]
Taufen 1861-1906 -  FHL INTL Film [ 2065066 Items 2 - 3 ]
Taufen 1906-1928 -  FHL INTL Film [ 2065067 Item 1 ]
Heiraten 1757-1770, 1836-1870 -  FHL INTL Film [ 948568 ]
Heiraten 1836-1947 -  FHL INTL Film [ 2065067 Items 2 - 3 ]
Tote 1804-1870 -  FHL INTL Film [ 948569 ]
Tote 1847-1921 -  VAULT INTL Film [ 2065068 ]
Tote 1921-1954 -  FHL INTL [ 2065895 Item 1 ]
Kirchenchronik 1827-1849 -  FHL INTL [ 1710228 Item 6 ]
Kirchenchronik 1849-1867 -  FHL INTL [ 1710229 Item 1 ]
Kurrendenbuch 1817-1887 -  FHL INTL [ 1764215 Item 3 ]
Taufen 1929-1936 -  VAULT INTL Film [ 2418064 Item 4 ]

Taufen 1937-1958 -  VAULT INTL Film [ 2418064 Item 5 ]

20140602 Sent a request to the state Archive in Wroclaw http://www.ap.wroc.pl/node/55/done?sid=916

20140520 Met Frans Josef Lindners daughters son Karl Josef Lennart Lindner 93 years old living in Kista Stockholm. He said that Frans Josef was from Wurtemberg that I understand is the Kingdom of Wurtemberg more information couldnt I get from him

Karl Josef Lennart Lindner (1923 - )
is your 1st cousin 2x removed
mother of Karl Josef Lennart Lindner
father of Albina Josefina Lindner

Checked the Lindner name in Poland and we have
201311 Asked questions on Ancestry and Facebook

Facebook 201407

Robert Hellfeier


Ich Heiße Robert Hellfeier, und ich bin aus Smolarnia. Ich hab deine frage bei der "Opolscy Genealodzy" gefunden haben. Ich weiß etwas um die Familie Lindner, abz nicht aus Proskau und nicht von dem Jahre 1860, aber etwas früher.

Probiere ich etwas schreiben in Deutsch

Also ich hab ein information über Johann Lindner. Er war geboren 22. December 1907 in Brzeźnica (deutsch: Bresnitz, ab Jahre 1936 - Brese). Er war Getraut im zweiten Theil der Dreißigsten Jahren mit Emilie Joseph aus Smolarnia (deutsch: Pechhütte). In unseren Trauungbücher hab ich genau das Datum nich gefunden. Alos ich hofe das die Trauung war irgendwo bei Hannover oder Uelzen - wo Leute aus diesem Orte Arbeitet in der Zeiten. Johann ist gestorben in 26. September 1944, bei das Adriatische Merr.

Grüße ich Dir Robert H.

Next step 

  • Go to Poland in June 2014 and see where to get more information and where to start
  • Search for more places and learn how to do Ancestry in Poland

Frans Josef Lindner from Proskau

See information http://story.sharing.ancestry.com/people/2876282?h=a5998a
He came to Stockholm and Married

Sofia Olivia Fridström see link above. She is part of a family of Blacksmith where the oldest is Hans Stockhaus born in Germany in 1500 see Stockhaus DNA

daughter of Per Fridström married Frans Josef Lindner

daughter of Sofia Olivia Fridström

daughter of Sofia Olivia Viberg

son of Valborg Linnéa Viktoria Sälgö

Me Carl Magnus Sälgö (1960-)


Lindner names in Poland http://www.moikrewni.pl/mapa/kompletny/lindner.html
Lindner names in Sweden 264 people 



From wiki
Prószków [ˈpruʂkuf] / GermanProskau is a town in Opole CountyOpole VoivodeshipPoland, with 2,660 inhabitants (2004).
Prószków/Proskau has been bilingual in Polish and German since 2006.

Google map

Poland Breslau Stielers Hand-Atlas 1918

Poland Breslau Stielers Hand-Atlas 1918

Mittleres Nord-Deutschland Sydow Wagners Methodischer Schul Atlas 1908

Polish Roots Rosemary A. Chorzempa
1994 ISBN 0-8063-1378-1

Polish History during the time when people emmigrated

Lindner family history at Ancestry.com

Ancestry discussion Opole


Register of some people who died in the 1 WW

Died in the First World War
- The names preserved in the form of inscriptions -

LINDNERJOHANNLDST.JG.TKJR 31915-04-18-Moose (No. 71)village, gm. Oil, pow. gorlickiLesser---
LINDNERKARL--July-18-Lutyniavillage, gm. Miękinia, pow. średzki (Ger. Leuthen)Silesian--obelisk
LINDNERBRUNO--1915-Jelenia Góra-Malinnikcity, gm. Jelenia Gora, pow. m. Jelenia GoraSilesian---
LINDNERGUSTAV----Kwitajnyvillage, gm. Pasłęk, pow. ElblagWarmia and Mazury--obelisk
LINDNERBRUNOMusketiere-1915-06-26-Jastrowiecvillage, gm. Bolkow, pow. jawrorski (Ger. Oberlauterbach name)Silesian--obelisk
LINDNERXAVERRES.BIR 31915-05-11-Szymbark-riparian (No. 73)village, gm. Gorlitz, pow. gorlickiLesser---
LINDNERMARTINSIF.9 K.5 GRZF1915-07-26-Kaszewiecvillage, gm. Rozan, pow. makowskiMazowieckie---
LINDNERJOHANNKPLKKLDST 211914-12-24-Łowczówek I (No. 171)village, gm. Tuchów, pow. tarnowskiLesser---
LINDNERJOHANN--1916-Meadow Prudnickavillage, gm. Prudnik, pow. prudnickiOpole---
LINDNERREINHOLD----Gliwice XIIcity, gm. Gliwice, pow. m. GliwiceSilesian---
LINDNERPAULGRENADIERRJR64 / 3K.1914-10-25-Grabow nad Pilicavillage, gm. Grabow n / Pilicą, pow.KozieniceMazowieckie---
LINDNERAUGUST--1916-07-30-Dzierżysławicevillage, gm. Glogowek, pow. prudnickiOpole---
LINDNERRICHARD-BAYER. INF. REG. 31915-05-07-New Żmigród (No. 8)village, gm. New Żmigród, pow. jasielskiSubcarpathian---
LINDNERRUDOLF--1916-Meadow Prudnickavillage, gm. Prudnik, pow. prudnickiOpole---
LINDNERMICH----Unicornvillage, gm. Unicorn, pow. PrzasnyszMazowieckie---
LINDNERJOHANNINF.IR 591915-03-23-Brzesko II (No. 276)city, gm. Brzesko, pow. BrestLesser---
LINDNERRUDOLFLDST.SCH.SCH.R. 91915-03-18-Ropica Lower (No. 86)village, gm. Sękowa, pow. gorlickiLesser---
LINDNERFRIEDRICH--1915-Ziebicecity, gm. Ziebice, pow. ZąbkowickiSilesian---
LINDNERAUGUST----Kwitajnyvillage, gm. Pasłęk, pow. ElblagWarmia and Mazury--obelisk

WIDE.3 JR 1411914-12-03-Porszewicevillage, gm. Pabianice, pow. pabianickiLodz---


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