torsdag 12 december 2013

Locations and Location based genealogy

Goal how to get an approach how to add places/locations in the best way regarding to
  1. Interact with other when exporting using GEDCOM (think about the DNA matching)
    1. GEDCOM 5.5.1 has some support for a better location model
  2. Better do location based genealogy (see ancestry youtube video at 24:20) ==> the software needs to understand the notation used to locate it on the map
    1. Easy find which people have an event in this town or area -> 
      1. use location named that are resoved
    2. Which people are buried in this graveyard and where are they located -> 
      1. possibility to add the name of the graveyard and also the location and the type of event
    3. When I am at a place easy document the building they lived in with a GPS coordinate and pictures
  3. Be more clear and also use the possibility in Family Tree 2014 with GPS coordinates for example what building an event happened, or where a grave is located
  4. Get a correct time document if something is happening in Wroclaw 2013 then use the Polish name not the German name that was the name of the town earlier


  1. 20140228 all places are changed to resolved on the map ==> in description the additional information is like a block or what hous

Resources about "Which genealogical software supports location-based events?"

Youtube video about places and resolving the names so that the software recognize them. At 24:00 how to create a report about a place

- non standardized names 
- names has changed over time 4:40, 5:20, 5:50
- create reports for a place 20:20, 23:15, 23:45 (filtering person list based on area 22:10)
- using description for a non incorporated place 8:50
- using the GPS location 10:01 (can be used for position a grave, a specific house...)
- displaying all that action that belongs to an area 
- how to add an non actual place (e.g. World War in Description field and as place use USA 13:30)
- Have to detailed information/granularity e.g. a cementary location 14:40, 19:45
- Historic place name or actual place name 15:40 (solution is place name is the current and in the description is the historical name)
- A place has changed county 17:40 (Description gets the original county)


From 2011 about Gedcom 5.5.1 and places
FTM 2014 and Place importance

How to create customized reports based on location in FTM 2014

Location Based Genealogy

Using to set locations see Josef Lindner

1. Click on the life event in the left column
2. Click on Move this Pin
3. Move the pin to wanted location and save

The place below is at Edsviken and is the house that my Ancestor Josef Lindner I think built. He is in the churchbook mentioned on the page for this house and I have found indications that it was a small summerhouse built to one of the persons working for the king. Today it is a Cafe and you can rent a room(which I will do to in memory to Mr Lindner ;-) )

Ross resources

Immigration paths

FTM2014 - Places Workspace Views

FTM Problem

When you resolve a place you need to find a match in the list above
Högsjö, Södermanland, Stockholm

Then the additional info goes to the Place detail field ==> Utansjö bruk

My feeling is that this is sent to as one field ==>
Utansjö bruk, Högsjö, Södermanland, Stockholm

==> we loose the information that we have splitted the field. This information is just in the windows database FTM 2014

If we unlink the tree from FTM and relink and download the tree from we just get everything unresolved ===>

==> we have no structure of a lot of places compare Utanbygatan 6 A that should be in the structure above under Västmanland

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